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Increase your trade fair success: how our interactive map effortlessly connects visitors and companies

With the start of the new school year, we would like to reflect on the 2024 National Career Fair and our contribution to successfully connecting students with potential employers. The interactive map we developed played a crucial role in simplifying navigation for visitors and enhancing their overall experience. Thanks to the interactive map, visitors could easily locate stands and quickly find facilities such as catering points and restrooms.



The primary goal of this map is to provide visitors with a seamless experience. The map is also a valuable tool for organizers and exhibitors. For organizers, it offers an efficient way to make changes and manage the exhibition floor. For exhibitors, it increases visibility and attracts more visitors to their stands.

How does it work?

The map is integrated into a mobile app or web app that visitors can download for free. In the app, users can open the map and, if desired, search by company name. Each stand is clickable, opening an information window with a direct link to the company’s website where available job opportunities can be found.

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Benefits for different users




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The interactive map is made possible through a collaboration between MapsIndoors and Localyse. Thanks to timely updates, visitors always have access to the most up-to-date information. Moreover, the map is scalable and can be customized to meet the specific needs of each fair. The use of this interactive map provided benefits not only for the visitors of the career fair but also for the exhibitors and organizers.

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