Google Premier Partner specialized in Location-Based Services.

PAXX pushes boundaries with complex route planning

Scale-up PAXX has developed a technically advanced solution based on Anymap and Google Cloud Platform to perform target group transportation more efficiently and reliably. Every year there are about 60 million cab rides in Dutch target group transportation. The planning of these no longer needs to be done by people, and this results in the highest possible efficiency and improvement of service quality.

Target group transport is the largest share of the cab market in the Netherlands: it includes passengers who qualify for substitute public transport, pupils in special education or pupils who cannot attend regular education in the immediate vicinity and seated patient transport.

In order to keep the costs of the target group transport under control, passengers are transported in combination. Moreover, combining is more sustainable; it ensures that fewer miles are driven, which leads to less energy consumption.


Humans and a smart algorithm

For a carrier, working more efficiently is necessary. “But scheduling these kinds of trips is a complex puzzle,” Quintin van Gemert explains. He is CEO of PAXX. His scale-up was founded in 2020 to develop various innovative solutions for target group transportation. “We see that people benefit from smart algorithms.” Right now, companies always create basic schedules a day in advance. But every day is different, so those schedules are theoretical and far from what would be the best choice in practice.

PAXX’s platform pairs drivers and cab vehicles with people with specific requirements. This allows vehicles to be used in the best possible way and suggested the best routes. The system was named MerQurius. Van Gemert: “MerQurius has to process a lot of complex data combinations and continuously calculate the best routes using the current traffic situation.”

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Geographic challenge

Creating the solution was technically a huge challenge, Van Gemert explains. Rory Baart, CTO at PAXX, designed MerQurius’ algorithm. “The first challenge we had was geographical. We wanted to be able to calculate how to efficiently schedule as many bookings as possible into routes. The fewer drivers you schedule, the more remain available for trips that are going to be booked later.”

To do that, the system needs to know where everyone is, both drivers and travelers who have checked in. “With real-time data of the traffic situation, MerQurius can calculate the duration of all possible routes very accurately. This makes any planning more reliable. It can then dynamically decide that it is better for one driver to detour a stretch for an additional traveler, so that another driver can get his travelers to their destination on time.”


Mathematical challenge

The second step was a mathematical challenge. Baart: “We wanted an algorithm that could generate lots of route options and make the optimal selection from them.” This is different from what people do when planning: people work intuitively and plan routes one at a time and far ahead. For example, planners reserve extra time for traffic jams they expect. But that time is almost always too tight or too generous, Baart explains. “Only by generating new route options live all the time can we calculate and adjust optimal routes.”

The system must also take business rules into account. For example, one rule is that if a traveler needs to be picked up from his/her room (special requirement), the car must be locked. The car must then also be empty. Such frameworks are crucial when planning and combining trips in this industry.

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The challenge of balancing

PAXX also wanted the algorithm to be able to make choices based on the characteristics of the travelers themselves. Baart: “Traffic can be adverse and then this situation can occur: picking up one traveler much too late or picking up two people a little too late. We can give a weight to each requirement in MerQurius, so it can make choices in that as well. Someone on a birthday might be able to be picked up later. But someone with a hospital appointment might not be able to wait.”

It managed to put many different trade-offs into MerQurius. Van Gemert: “We built an algorithm that is extremely flexible: it takes into account all the characteristics of the drivers, vehicles and the travelers who need to get from A to B. It calculates the optimal routes continuously. It continuously calculates the optimal routes for all bookings. The drivers only have to follow the routes that the navigation gives them. Planners of the past are now working on special cases. They keep an eye on whether the system is making the right decisions in exceptional situations and intervene when necessary.”


High intensity of data requests

“MerQurius could only get there with help from Localyse,” says Van Gemert. “Customization was needed to optimize routes in real-time with many variables. The Google Cloud Platform is the only platform that can handle so many data requests from the system.” The intensity is high because of the hundreds of trips that sometimes need to be booked and monitored at the same time; requests are sent all the time to get another up-to-date picture of the situation. Google Cloud Platform can handle that large amount of data processing through Kubernetes.

MerQurius further primarily uses Anymap. “There are many locations that we use to do new calculations with the current traffic situation,” he said. For hundreds, thousands of positions, the system is going to keep calculating possible routes. Since Anymap also runs in the Google Cloud Platform and uses Kubernetes, the system never fails.

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Boundaries shifted

The result is impressive. With their system MerQurius, PAXX offers a fully automated specialized trip planner that runs on their self-developed algorithms. Van Gemert: “This smart automation was not possible until recently. We have pushed boundaries, overcome the challenge and are ready to scale up.”

The technical part of PAXX’s challenge is over: the algorithm works, and with it, the special transportation cab industry has been optimized. PAXX has been working on a technical solution that allows scaling up so that more transport companies can be added to the network. “We can have dozens of organizations running on our platform at the same time,” he said.


Also for other types of carriers

PAXX also wants to be able to add other types of carriers to their platform. After target group transportation, they want to expand their product to group transportation of children: student transportation.

Van Gemert: “The biggest challenge ahead is to teach users to trust the system.” Drivers, operators and other employees have to get used to trusting the computer’s planning. Except in special cases, when they do have to intervene. “And human mistakes, like missing a turn, continue to happen. MerQurius adapts quickly to their impact. That’s the beauty of it.”

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Rijkswaterstaat – Smart traffic management with ODIQ

Rijkswaterstaat Traffic and Water Management (RWS) chose for a collaboration with our Google Maps tool ‘ODIQ’. The aim is to get a clearer picture of how traffic is evolving in terms of travel times, delays and speed.
This way RWS is able to serve road users even better, minimize delays and make the Dutch national highways safer.

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5 Traffic centers

The 5 Dutch traffic centers regularly evaluate the impact of events and planned road works. What went well, and what can be improved? For this, RWS continuously uses the available historical and real-time data.
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Improvement of the analysis

RWS always want to improve the analysis. In their search for additional data sources, they chose ODIQ, a Google Maps based platform. The goal: get an even better and clearer view of the traffic situation at a specific location at any given time in terms of travel times, delays and speeds. This allows RWS to improve its services to road users in the Netherlands.

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About Rijkswaterstaat

The traffic management center regulates traffic on all national highways in the region. The traffic center also handles incident reports on provincial roads in the region. The traffic center also operates and monitors tunnels and bridges from a distance.
RWS plays a leading role in road works, congestion and traffic incidents. Amongst others, the traffic management center can close roads, divert traffic and inform road users via the dynamic route information panels. Interested in objective data on the traffic situation in your city? Contact Jeffrey Benning today to discuss the possibilities.

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🇳🇱 +31 (0)172 25 55 00 

BAM Infra – Improved traffic flow

BAM Infra is the premier partner for infrastructure connections in the Netherlands. They offer innovative solutions and do so in their own unique way. Slightly differently. Just a little smarter. And always safely and sustainably. That is what they stand for. That is what they strive for. BAM Infra Nederland is a subsidiary of Royal BAM Group, a successful European construction group, which unites operating companies in the two business lines Construction & Real Estate and Infrastructure as well as in the area of public–private partnerships. BAM is listed on Euronext Amsterdam.


Until recently, induction loops in the asphalt or roadside systems were necessary to measure the flow of traffic. In the current digital age, however, many more sources are available, such as data from moving vehicles – an innovation that BAM Infra uses. After a summer of non-stop work, BAM Infra finalized a complete renovation of the Gein Bridge in Driemond in the autumn of 2017. The province of Noord-Holland wanted to replace the bridge because it was ‘in a very bad condition’. At the same time, the crossing at Driemond was improved too. The purpose of all this work was to improve the safety and traffic flow of the road.

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At Driemond, initial measurements of the new situation show significantly improved traffic flows. The lines in the figure show the current time losses (red) compared with the average time losses for the past years (blue). When it comes to tenders or visualization of the effects of temporary traffic systems – a speed reduction or changed road situation for example – BAM also monitors the traffic situation through the use of floating car data from ODIQ.

This development is in line with the broader vision of BAM Infra in which data plays a central role. The same applies to the infrastructure. Thanks to sensors, cameras, public data and the deployment of satellites, among other things, we are learning ever more about how infrastructure is used. And how this information can be used to create added value for users, managers and the local area.

* floating car data: Floating car data, at its most basic level, consists of GPS data from smartphones and apps such as the Google Maps app on your smartphone. This ‘data’ contains information about aspects such as travel times and speeds.

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How Brussels used ODIQ as an alternative to traffic cameras

Brussels is the capital of Belgium and Europe. With 1.2 million inhabitants it counts as one of Belgium’s biggest cities. During the pandemic, Brussels used the reduced traffic in 2020 to accelerate their mobility plans. To follow up on the adjustments in real-time and historically, Brussels Mobility contacted Localyse.

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Localyse monitors all major access routes in Brussels

Mobiris, the dispatching center of Brussels Mobility, has about 500 cameras to monitor more than 350 km of roads in the Brussels-Capital Region, ‘one might think that’s plenty’ but in reality it’s far from enough. That’s why Mobiris, was looking for an addition/alternative to cameras. Localyse, introduced Brussels Mobility to ODIQ which uses Google Maps’ Floating Car Data, this is worldwide GPS data from smartphones on which Google Maps is installed… an inexhaustible, representative data source.

A versatile tool

ODIQ can be used for carrying out traffic analyses before a decision or intervention and after. Furthermore, the tool allows to detect bottlenecks intersection by intersection, and find out the reason for them: whether it is a wrongly adjusted traffic light, an illogical right of way or a bicycle lane that should be moved with ODIQ, it all becomes clear.

Brecht Debusschere

Traffic situation monitoring team lead

At trade fair we saw a presentation on ODIQ, and it seemed to be the ideal tool for gaining quick and easy insight into traffic situations by mapping traffic flow in real time.

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Lantis: real-time traffic data during major construction in Antwerp

Lantis realizes complex mobility projects in the Antwerp region. They build sustainable and functional connections for all types of road users, this enables the Antwerp city and region to flourish.


Traffic control in Antwerp during major road works

Being stuck in traffic… a massive source of frustration, for thousands of people it’s the day-to-day reality in and around Antwerp. The Oosterweel project will be the solution to this bottleneck and is going to make the traffic flow, safer and more smooth. Next to improving mobility, the Oosterweel project will also contribute in making the Antwerp region more livable.

Managing traffic congestion

Before this project is completed, road works will continue for a couple of years. The challenge: to limit congestion as much as possible and guarantee safety. A lot of planning will be done to determine which alternative roads should be foreseen at any given time and where cut-through traffic might occur. To get an overview on this, Localyse, uses ODIQ to continuously analyse 250km of traffic. More information about this project can be found in the full use case below.

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🇳🇱 +31 (0)172 25 55 00 

Evaluation of Sint-Niklaas’ circulation plan with Floating Car Data

Sint-Niklaas is a continuously innovating Flemish city with over 80 000 inhabitants. Besides adding more green to the city square, numerous other initiatives are being worked on to make the city more livable.

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Floating Car Data put to work

The city of Sint-Niklaas received some complaints about cut-through traffic and excessive speed in a certain residential area. To deal with these complaints, Sint-Niklaas made some infrastructural changes to lessen the impact of the problems.

After changes were made the city council wanted to assess the impact, that’s where Localyse came into play. We provided insights by combining Floating Car Data and classic traffic counts.

These are some insights we gathered:

Thanks to our insights the city of Sint-Niklaas was able to conduct a valuable assessment of their infrastructural changes. More about this project can be read in the complete use case below.

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🇳🇱 +31 (0)172 25 55 00 

Sint-Niklaas: from a congested town square to a green oasis

Sint-Niklaas is a modern city in the East of Flanders, Belgium. With more than 78.000 inhabitants it counts as the second biggest city of the region. Next to that, Sint-Niklaas features Belgium’s biggest square with 3.19 hectares.

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Transforming Sint-Niklaas

Infrastructural improvements will start in 2023 to transform Niklaas’s square (Grote Markt) into a beautiful, welcoming location. In order to achieve this, a lot of trees will be planted and a traffic filter will be installed on the access routes toward the town square. As a result, the car park under the town square will only be accessible from the north of the city.

Els De Deken

Mobility Consultant

This traffic analysis has enabled us to make a correct estimate of the necessary parking area on the north side of the town square. Research made it clear that there is only a capacity problem at rush hour.

Optimal results through various data sources

To understand the impact of the proposed measure, Sint-Niklaas asked Localyse to get an overview of the current situation, before and during Covid-19. To gather optimal data we combined a number of data sources:

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🇳🇱 +31 (0)172 25 55 00